Income tax filers & non-filers can click this link for information. Everyone should check to be sure your information is up-to-date.Non-filers can go directly to this site to enter information to receive payment:Let’s be sure to be clear who is a “non-filer”:Who should use Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info to provide additional information to receive the Economic Impact Payment?
Eligible U.S. citizens or permanent residents who:
- Had gross income that did not exceed $12,200 ($24,400 for married couples) for 2019
- Were not otherwise required to file a federal income tax return for 2019, and didn’t plan to
You can provide the necessary information to the IRS easily and quickly for no fee through Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info. We will use this information to determine your eligibility and payment amount and send you an Economic Impact Payment. After providing this information you won’t need to take any additional action.
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