Keeping kids on some kind of schedule is really important. Below is one suggestion which can certainly be modified to meet your family’s needs…
COVID-19 “Suggested” Daily Schedule
Before 9 a.m. WAKE UP Eat breakfast, make your bed, wash up & get dressed
9 – 10 Morning exercise take a family walk, or play in the yard if possible (getting fresh air is a good thing) – try to keep it to just your kids if possible
10- 11 Academic time No Electronics – unless needed for academic assigned work, otherwise try using flashcards, Soduku books, study guides, Journaling (pose a dialy question and have your kids start their academic time with what their goals are for today? What will they work on and what’s the plan to complete their daily goal?)
11-12 Creative Time Legos, drawing, coloring, crafting, play music, cook or bake
12 noon LUNCH
12:30 Chore time Clean up kitchen area, A. wipe kitchen table and chairs B. Wipe all door handles, light switches and desk tops C. Wipe down bathrooms (sinks and toilets) – assign as you see fit
1-2:30 Quiet Time Reading, puzzles, NAP
2:30-4:00 Academic Time Electronics OK – iPad games, Prodigy, Educational show
4-5 Afternoon Fresh air Bike, skate, walk the dog, play outside (no friends over, if you can help it)
5-6 Dinner Let your kids help if you want, they can create the menu and help with setting table, measuring ingredients, etc.
6-8 FREE TV Time
8 p.m. Bed time routine start getting ready for bed
9 p.m. Bed time If they’ve had a good day (no fighting, not alot of arguing, reward them with an extra hour before lights out
***For our gifted and talented cherubs allow them to work on materials that are above grade level and watch for clear signs of frustration, then adjust and they should be fine. This goes the other way as well; if a student isn’t quite at grade level try one grade level below until the frustration level is not so difficult that they simply give up. You want your student to feel challenged, not defeated.
Again, this is only a suggestion. I bet if you keep to this schedule, they will be tired by 8 p.m, and you will, too! 😁
Below and attached you will find plenty of internet resources to help with the academic portion of the day.