Texting Acronyms
2G2BT | Too good to be true | ISO | In search of |
<3 | Heart | J/K | Just kidding |
AIH | As it happens | L8R | Later |
ALOL | Actually laughing out loud | LOL | Laughing out loud/Lots of love |
BCNU | Be seeing you | MIL | Mother-in-law |
B4N | Bye for now | NP | No problem |
BBS | Be back soon | NUB | Newbie |
BIL | Brother-in-law | OIC | Oh, I see |
BRB | Be right back | OMG | Oh my gosh |
BTDT | Been there done that | OTOH | On the other hand |
BTW | By the way | OT | Off topic |
BFF | Best friends forever | PLO | Peace love out |
CD9 | Code 9: Parents are nearby | PM | Private message |
CB | Call back | PSA | Public service announcement |
CIL | Check in later | RBAY | Right back at you |
CM | Call me | RBTL | Read between the lines |
COB | Close of business | RUOK | Are you okay? |
CUL8R | See you later | ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
DEF | Definitely | SIL | Sister-in-law |
DFIK | Darn if I know | SMH | Shaking my head |
DH | Dear husband | SOW | Speaking of which |
EM | Excuse me | STYS | Speak to you soon |
EMA | E-mail address | SUP | What’s up? |
EOM | End of message | SWEET<3 | Sweetheart |
EVRE1 | Everyone | TBC | • To be continued … |
FAQ | Frequently asked questions | TBH | To be honest |
FB | TIA | Thanks in advance | |
FCOL | For crying out loud! | TMI | Too much information |
FIL | Father-in-law | TIFN | Ta ta for now |
FOFL | Falling on floor laughing | TX | Thanks |
FTR | For the record | TTYL | Talk to you later |
FYEO | For your eyes only | UOK | Are you okay? |
FWIW | For what it’ worth | UR | You are |
G2G | Got to go | URW | You are welcome |
GAL | Get a life | VBG | Very big grin |
GBH | Great big hug | VM | Voice mail |
GIDK | Gee, I don’t know | WWYD | What would you do? |
GL | Good luck | WYWH | Wish you were here |
GN | Good night | X-I-1O | Exciting |
GR8 | Great! | XLNT | Excellent |
HAGD | Have a good day | Y | Why? |
H/O | Hold on | YKWIM | You know what I mean |
10K | I don’t know | YOLO | You only live once |
ILY | I love you | YW | You’re welcome |
IRL | In real life | ZOMG | Oh my gosh! |
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